Monday, August 30, 2010

I hate network problems.

The network at work is crashing. It sucks. We can still do our job, but we actually have to work now. This trouble has been going on for about 2 weeks now, luckily it only affects our monitoring systems, not the e-mail, network drives, or internet.

Like I said, it just breaks our "Das Blinkenlights." installation.

(Funny thing, Google Chrome thinks that page is in german!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dang how time flies

Ok, so I am not so good at actually keeping up with this blog thing. Yes, I could say that I have been busy, but that is a lame excuse for not taking a couple of minutes to at least post something.

People are funny critters. There is a video of a guy racing (on foot) to keep up with a train as it leaves the station. He ran full bore into a sign post. Watching him regain consciousness is interesting, one limb at a time moving slightly. After a bit, he stands up, and jumps a railing into auto traffic (nearly getting hit by a Caddy.)

Two weeks later, similar gig, but he fell towards the train. He was released from hospital the next day. Lucky guy.

I heard the sonic booms this afternoon, fighter jets scrambled for an airspace violation in Seattle. I didn't think they sounded quite like the Ft. Lewis shelling we get a lot of around here.