Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dang how time flies

Ok, so I am not so good at actually keeping up with this blog thing. Yes, I could say that I have been busy, but that is a lame excuse for not taking a couple of minutes to at least post something.

People are funny critters. There is a video of a guy racing (on foot) to keep up with a train as it leaves the station. He ran full bore into a sign post. Watching him regain consciousness is interesting, one limb at a time moving slightly. After a bit, he stands up, and jumps a railing into auto traffic (nearly getting hit by a Caddy.)

Two weeks later, similar gig, but he fell towards the train. He was released from hospital the next day. Lucky guy.

I heard the sonic booms this afternoon, fighter jets scrambled for an airspace violation in Seattle. I didn't think they sounded quite like the Ft. Lewis shelling we get a lot of around here.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there's the "post something whether you have something to say or not" philosophy, and the "post something when you have something interesting to say" school. Both work for different people. When I start feeling guilty for not posting, I'll probably quit blogging and start The Great American Novel...
