Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Back to Facebook

Well, the month is over. I did it, going a full month without looking at my Facebook account.

Something like 80+ notifications and 2 IMs. No, I didn't look at all of the notifications, but they are serving as a guideline as to what people to remove from my feed. I won't unfriend anyone over it, I just don't like getting notifications for constant sharing of other content, and that is all that some people on Facebook seem to do.

I am also going to remove notifications from a couple of groups I am a member of. I did just fine without them and can do without them constantly in my feed. I will stay with them, but will set it so that I will have to go to them instead of having them fed to me.

I think that stepping away from Facebook has been good to me and may do it again when I find myself checking it when I wake up. I have better things online to look at that that. I am using a couple of news feeds and I like being in better touch with the world without the inherent "echo chamber" effect of Facebook, but by using chosen feeds such as Reuters, I can get a more un-biased view of the world.

I suggest that anyone who reads Facebook for more than an hour a day take time off of it every so often.
Learn something new, get new information sources, work on a blog.
You don't have to take a whole month off as I did, but it wouldn't  hurt. A week is a good length of time for your first break, long enough to be distracted from it, and you won't be bogged down with catching up when you get back.

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