Saturday, October 24, 2009

Post game traffic and the ride free area.

Tonight we had a Sounders game. (Ho-ray for Soccer, Seattle has a team that doesn't suck!)

The trains (ST's Link Light Rail) can handle the loads well with one little problem:
The buses in the DSTT (Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel) are trying to collect fares from the Thousands of fans trying to get North or East after the game.

The trains do not require waiting for each person to dig out their $1.50 (or whatever the fare is now,) they just open all 8 doors and let them flood in. The buses are stuck waiting on each of 50+ people to scrounge up their fare and drop it in the box, one at a time, taking up to 4 minutes at times for a coach to fill at International District Station in the DSTT. And double that if the first coach stops at the back zone and the one behind it needs to stop at the forward zone!

I don't have a solution for this (that management would consider,) so, I guess we are stuck with it for game nights.

At least there are no more Mariners games this year.

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