Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yech, I hate being sick...

Got sent home from work last night. The boss says I need to rest. O.K. I did. Now it's my weekend, and there is so much to do around the house I feel like I need to go back to work and get more rest.

Fed the fish in the pond, it's a 400 gallon Rubbermaid bin sunken into the ground with 17 feeder goldfish. The fish are now between 1.5 and 3 inches long. The water is kept clear with a home-brew bio-filter. (More on this later.) Having a few minutes with the fish is a happy time.

Finally saw the doc about this head cold like thing that's been hanging on for too long. I am starting to feel better already.

Winter is setting in, the trees are dumping their leaves on my bare soil that should become a lawn sometime next year. We were hoping to get all 28 yards of top soil moved around before Halloween, but that will not be happening. We have to park the cars between the piles of dirt in the parking strip, and I won't be able to get the wrought iron fence back up in time. (Well, maybe.) I wanted to get it back up and put Barbie heads on the spikes for Halloween, but my wife said NO to that idea. She does want the little tricksters to come to the door.

Wow, 3 days off in a row, whatever shall I do with myself? >;)

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