Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yet another attempt to start a blog. This one should be focused mainly on my work with Seattle Central Link Light rail.

I am a Metro supervisor working for Sound Transit in Seattle, WA. I will address different aspects of my job, and interactions with the public.

I will also review products that I use in my job here. No review will be sponsored, this is just the stuff I found that works well for my job.


  1. Your check says Sound Transit on it? If not then you still for for Metro. ST will be happy to outsource your job to First Transit if given half a chance.

  2. I do work for ST, I am listed as a contractor. Metro is contracted to do the work, they pay me. But technically I work for both Sound Transit and Metro KC.

  3. I worked as an office temp at Link Light Rail for a couple of months right after 9/11. Came to the conclusion that engineers do not need office help--or at least, don't want it...
