Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Couple of Days Into the New Plan.

Well, I have gone for two days, now into the third, on my lower calorie plan.

There is always the low level hunger. But I can deal with it. Tuesday, my first day was basically an oatmeal breakfast, some catfish for lunch and a couple of meal replacement drinks throughout the day for a total of just under 1,000 calories. Wednesday, It was the oatmeal, a couple of meal replacement drinks and a large salad with a grilled pork chop for about 1,300 calories. I did fill up on salad, but I did not feel well after eating so much.

Today the plan is oatmeal, meal replacement drink, salad, another meal replacement drink, and some ham. This should put me just under 1,000 calories. There is plenty of wiggle room at this calorie level. I could splurge and get a small hamburger if I need it this evening, but it would be better if I did not.

Temptation is always around. Today a co-worker is retiring, so there is cake. It is far enough away that I won't be tempted too much.

I have noticed that I am not as easily sleeping since dropping the calorie count so far, But I expect that will pass.

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