Thursday, July 12, 2018

Vacations and Weight Loss

Two concepts that don't go well together, Vacation and Weight Loss.

I did take a week off of work. This included Independence Day and a 2 night camp out at the coast. I am really glad I had already been working on the diet before the trips. I feel that I was able to make smarter choices than I had in the past. I drank a lot of water and managed not to gorge on camp food. Marshmallows don't count anyway, right?

All in all, my blood sugars were managed OK enough, waking numbers below 100, no bedtime crashes. A couple of days before, I experienced my first low blood sugar episode since I was diagnosed as diabetic. I was having sweats at bed time and started not thinking right. My wife asked me to check my glucose level and it was below 50. I self medicated with chocolate and a half hour later was up to around 100. Not a fun experience, it could have gone badly, as I had just taken my slow acting insulin and my blood sugar level could have gotten pretty low by morning.

The truth of my week off of work is in the numbers, I lost 3.5 pounds from the 3rd to the 12th. I think it is going OK.

Here is a startrail image I tried to make from the campsite. One of these days I want to try to stack images to get a single image instead of a trail image.
This was created using a free software for Windows called Startrails. Images were taken with my GoPro 4 Silver with an external battery pack.

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