Monday, July 2, 2018

It is about getting other stuff done now.

Well, the first day without Facebook has come and gone. I'm not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, yet.
Last night, being hiatus for the shows I watch, I spent my extra time on a walk to the store and back, about 1.5 miles, followed by reading for an hour or so with a chorus of explosions in the background. We live close enough to the Nisqually reservation that there are constantly fireworks going off for the week before Independence day. It's OK really though, we are used the the howitzer shelling on a regular basis from the army base. The house gets a regular rattling and the cats don't panic.
To get my info fix this morning, I hit up I ended up at the New York Times for a morning briefing. Not too bad, more info, less opinion.
An important tool for finding neutral news sources is which provides "The Chart":
 Direct link
Select chart to get the full size image.
The NYT briefing was long enough to peruse during my breakfast oatmeal and I was able to get out the door quickly for my commute. The only drawback of the NYT site is that they, like most papers, have a paywall after so many reads per month. This is easily circumvented by using "Incognito Mode" in your browser. Or you could just give in and pay for it. It's only $10 a month.
Returning to the chart above; in my opinion, most news sources in the top half, yellow and green boxes, are great sources as long as you know the bias of the source. Orange and red boxes are purely entertainment and should be treated as such.
Well, that's enough of my ramblings for today. I am supposed to be working after all.

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