Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence day

It's the 4th of July, A celebration of our country's declaration of independence from England in 1776. We celebrate this by purchasing fireworks, made in China, from the indigenous people that we kicked off of their historical lands to build our nation on, and making our neighborhoods sound like miniature war zones.
Basically funding other nations with stuff we are going to burn. Sounds fun doesn't it.
The cats have been, rightfully, worried at the noises of late, being more localized than the howitzers  and rockets from the army base 8 miles away. So, we are staying in this evening.
For the day, we tried to go out to Ocean Shores for hanging with the family, it didn't go as planned. A third party we were going to meet with was having communication issues and when we did find them, everyone eventually ended up getting stuck in the soft sand where they had chosen to park. I was the first one to get bogged down in the minivan, we got rocked free and made it to the packed sand, about half a mile away. Apparently the other 2 minivans and the pickup with our group ended up also getting bogged down. Everyone escaped unharmed, but there was a bumper pulled off in the shuffle. So it was almost 2 hours after arriving on the beach that we got our site chosen. The weather inland is almost 80 f and rather humid. At the beach, it was closer to 65 f with a 20 mph wind. Sand in everything. Nothing quite like gritty corn on the cob.
Such is life. We ended up leaving a little earlier than planned,
The steak kebabs were great and people appreciated them. Take one roast, sous-vide at 140 for about 3 hours, and ice it down in the fridge. In the morning, cut into 1 inch cubes and put in the cooler. On site, skewer them and brown on the grill. Tender, quick, and cooked through.

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