Saturday, July 21, 2018

Finding Content, A Little Rail Talk

I'm striving to fill the month of July with daily posts here. It helps fill the void of not posting my opinions somewhere else. I know nobody is reading them, but that doesn't deter me, as I am doing this for myself, not you, the imaginary reader.

I am kind of at a loss for today though. I have some new stuff from Amazon, but I'm not at the point where I can review it yet. I am still striving to shed more pounds, but I don't have anything new on that front, as I am still eating less and trying to exercise more.

There is little of interest from the job front, except that we had to break a restroom door down due to a faulty door catch. I managed to put a decent sized dent in the door. The security guard who was stuck inside was eventually able to pull the hinge pins, but the door still required a couple of "mule kicks" to get it open. This is a fire door and would have been impossible to just break open without removing the pins or the fire department using breaching tools. Management didn't want the fire department to get a shot at it and we lucked out.

Another new development at work is the closure of the Convention Place Station to passenger traffic. This is part of removing the buses from the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel next year. As far as we at rail are concerned, it is making very little difference. But I am sure the bus operators are more than a little sore about it. They no longer get to take their breaks out of view of the public.

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