Saturday, July 14, 2018

Weight Loss Plateaus Suck.

Well, I officially calling this a weight loss plateau. I am at the same weight I was a week ago. A half pound higher, a half pound lower over the week. But all the same, I am calling it.

Yeah, over a week, it doesn't sound like I really got stuck. But it can be discouraging. I am taking it as a reminder to more closely watch what I am eating. I think I know the culprit though, beef pepperoni. Each one isn't that bad, 130 calories each, but it is really easy to just keep eating them when you buy them in bulk. So, no more buying them. Damn, I liked those things. Tomorrow I will be sorting through the stash I have in my car and will be disposing of bad things, i.e. sending them to the grand kids. I don't think there is much to get rid of, but it doesn't hurt to check.

So, recognizing this as a barrier to overcome, I am redoubling my efforts. Today's intake plan is as follows:
  • Breakfast: 300 calories
    • McDonald's sausage breakfast burrito: 300 calories.
  • Morning Snack: 289 calories
    • Fresh blueberries, 510 g: 289 calories.
  • Caffeine kick: 30 calories
    • Wired sugar free drink: 30 calories
  • Lunch: 230 calories
    • Winco garden salad: 90 calories
    • Sesame ginger dressing: 50 calories
    • Carl Budding chicken: 90 calories
  • Dinner: 230 calories
    • Same as lunch, just before leaving work.
My logger shows it at 1,079 calories. I will likely have a little something on the way home, but will keep it under 300 calories. This should keep my deficit at least at 700 calories under my base metabolic rate of 2,031 calories as calculated by my scale, with any exercise as an added bonus to that deficit. I have a second BMR value of 2,461 calories from another source. I will use the lower value for now. Yes, I am of the belief that as long as (calories in) < (calories out) = (weight loss). I know it is more complex than that, but the calories have to come from somewhere, as long as I am getting exercise, it shouldn't be from muscle mass. There is some interesting graphing software on this from called "The Hacker's Diet". Note the subtitle for the program, the plan is entertaining as well as informative, taking an engineering approach to the problem.

I found an article last week saying that fitness trackers are not that great for actually getting healthier, even the ones with heart rate monitoring can be incorrect with the number of calories used over the course of a day. So I am changing my focus from the calorie deficit that my Fitbit Charge 2 is reporting to an actual deficit from my calculated BMR instead. This should at least get me over the plateau, then I can bring it back up when the weight loss is showing again.

On a side note, I get to do a cardiac stress test on Tuesday. I am not looking forward to it.

Postscript: I ended the day at 1480 calories after having to rescue my blood sugar level at 4 in the morning.

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